Nashdale Public School is very proud of its attractive and locally recognised uniform. Children are encouraged to wear the school uniform at all times.
Kingfisher Schoolgear (Summer Street, Orange) stock all items for our uniform and would be happy to fit your child.
In 2016, the P&C voted for our school uniform to now be unisex (both sport and school). This was in response to a very compelling letter by our senior female students. Well done girls!
Girls - summer
Tartan dress with white peter pan collar OR Brown shorts/white shirt
White ankle socks with black shoes
Green woollen V-necked jumper with school crest
Green school hat
Green ribbons
Boys - summer
- Brown shorts / trousers
- White shirt
- White socks with black shoes
- Green V-neck woollen jumper with school crest
- Green school hat
Girls - winter
Tartan pinafore OR brown trousers
White shirt or skivvy
Green woollen V-neck jumper with school crest
Green woollen stockings with black shoes
Green school parka with emblem
Green/white ribbons
Green school hat or school beanie
Boys - winter
Brown trousers
White shirt or skivvy
Green woollen V-neck jumper with school crest
White socks and black shoes
Green school hat or school beanie
Green school parka with emblem
Sports uniform (unisex)
Green unisex shorts
Harlequin polo shirt with school emblem
Brown sweatshirt with school emblem
Brown trackpants
White socks and joggers
Green school hat or school beanie
The P&C operates a clothing pool with regular opening hours. Dates are advised in the school fortnightly newsletter. We gratefully accept donations of clothes that your child has outgrown!